the "shop" area, means just this page you can see here >>>
and letting it run in the background while making you daily business, you did already the first steps to join our "franchise frameily". This "wall" gives you the atmosphere and feeling/vibe of the whole lounge/ chill area just by keeping it open and fresh. (We're working on improving it and adding tools to keep in interesting.)
So far and that long, grab a drink or a few and please enjoy. NOTE: Please only use our systems and concepts that way if you're in connect and considered to be a joiner to our connection of trading/influencers community. (This store and technical concepts are intellectual property of V.V.S./ the company owners form name in initials and with that of the VVS Corp. within the holdings triangle of the Unique Holding(s)/TM. (c) -> (R) to come.
With joining the / VVS Store concepts you join a growing partnership network what allows us to connect for a positive business flow and exchange necessary information to keep up and make the Charité View income stable.
We need people who acquire new businesses, means also old businesses who are able to help and not just watch. We have a few calculation with different choices, for example: - you can shown/open or hidden and cast(chose/adjust) your (cv)
- you can play it on big screen directly on the frontpage or make it a small (cv) button besides the chosen participating product stock, like they are verified for something that provides greater good. We don't steal that money, but the correctness of using this positive advertising marketing effect (with the best options for you), needs to be observed and properly provided to the next Charity Center of the Charity Company "Charité View", neither we delete or remove the real need for doing good with simple donations, we(Charité View) rather try to bind and advertise them:
These are just a few examples and with that we remind that "Charité View" is also a business driven Company with a focus to provide money and good via charity driven doings, what also means, it's additionally the "trainee center" with an well being research lab and outpost departments of the whole set, but any company, no matter how much in connect can profit from the people getting trained and LIT2 in this.
(This text will change.) We're at the start and searching for "Hell yeah!" slayers, a short message with your motivation can be considered as a positive business + in later developments of this whole set. Here we collecting basically signs for pushing furthermore forward, if it is about invest or donations.
© Alle rights reserved, Vasilev, Vaceclav Sergeevic